Is there a manual for troubleshooting my base?
Yes, we do! You can view the manuals by clicking the links below.
What is the warranty for my flat foundation?
Our flat foundations have a 10-year limited warranty. You may view the w...
Do I get a new base/foundation with my replacement?
Unfortunately, we would not provide you with a replacement base or found...
What is the warranty for my power base?
Our Ease base comes with a 25-year limited warranty. You can view the ad...
Is there a warranty on the remote?
Yes! Remotes for adjustable bases have a 1-year warranty.
Where is my power base serial number located?
If you are filing a warranty claim for your Ease power base, you will ne...
Do I have to buy a new foundation or base?
You are welcome to purchase a new base or foundation with your warranty ...